Writing Guideline

Writing Guideline

Submission Guidelines

  • Papers will only be accepted via the conference email address (suscongress@gmail.com).
  • The acceptance of abstracts submitted to the conference will be decided through a peer review process conducted by the conference scientific committee.

Abstract Writing Guide:

Author(s) Name and SURNAME1

1 University/Institution name, department, city, and country
*Corresponding Author Email:


The abstract text should be written in Times New Roman, 11-point font, justified alignment, with single line spacing. The abstract should be written in both Turkish and English. Once saved in Word format, the abstract should be sent to the conference email address (suscongress@gmail.com). The abstract should be between 250 and 400 words. Abstracts that do not comply with this requirement will not be considered for evaluation.

Keywords: Keywords should be listed in alphabetical order, with a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 keywords.


Page layout should leave a margin of 2.5 cm on all sides, with the remaining area used for text. The title should have the first letter of every word capitalized (except for conjunctions), be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, bold, and in sentence case, clearly reflecting the essence of the work. Avoid using abbreviations in the title. After the title, authors' names should be centered in Times New Roman, 11-point font, with the first letter of each name capitalized and the surnames in full uppercase. The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*). Authors' affiliations should be numbered with superscripts and listed on a separate line, including the institution name, department, city, and country, in Times New Roman, 11-point font, left-aligned. The corresponding author's email address should also be provided.

Poster Preparation Guide:

The font should be Times New Roman.

Font sizes should be 80-point for the main title, 36-point for authors' names, and 24-point for institutional affiliations.

The poster should not exceed 1000 words. The background should be in a light color.

The poster should include the following subsections: Abstract, Keywords (Alphabetical, 4-6 words), Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusion, and References. Subheadings should be in 36-point font, while other explanations should be in 12-point font.

Printing costs for the poster are your responsibility, and the poster size is set to A1 (59.4 x 84.1 cm) in vertical (portrait) orientation.


Author Name, Surname1

1Author1 Institutional Information










Workshop Guide:

The font should be Times New Roman, and the font size should be 12 points.

Workshop Format:

Workshop Title


Target Audience


Number of Participants



Workshop Duration


Workshop Venue

 (Indicate if the venue is open or closed and if a computer or projector is required.)


Workshop Objective


Teaching Methods and Techniques Used


Safety Measures

(If Necessary)





(250-300 words)




Workshop Leader



Contact (Mobile):

Assistant Workshop Leader



Contact (Mobile):

Workshop Date(s)

Note: Specify any preferred date if applicable and indicate the number of workshop sessions.