Registration and Fees

Registration and Fees

Registration and Fees

Dear Participant, The 1st International Sustainability Congress will be held at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University from October 24th to 26th, 2024. It is important to pay attention to the following points for a successful congress process. Important Points

  1. Participation in the congress can be in person or online.
  2. Participants must register for Paper/Poster/Workshop presentations through the registration section on the congress website.
  3. Paper/Poster/Workshop submissions will be accepted via the suscongress@gmail.com email address.
  4. The participation fee is valid for two papers/posters/workshops. Participants must pay an additional fee for each additional submission after two.
  5. A participant can present a maximum of 4 papers at the congress.
  6. For accepted papers, participants must send the electronic payment receipt to suscongress@gmail.com.tr, indicating their name, surname, and status (Academician, Teacher, Graduate student, etc.) in the description section of the payment receipt.
  7. The participation fee includes lunch, refreshments, congress kit, and a city tour.
  8. Participants who have paid the registration fee and completed their presentations can receive a "Participation Certificate." Other authors, even if they have paid the participation fee, cannot receive a participation certificate unless they physically attend the congress.
  9. Participants attending without presenting a paper must pay the specified fee corresponding to their title to benefit from the services included in the participation fee.


Registration and fees:

Online presentation (50 Euros), in-person presentation (75 Euros). Participation as an undergraduate student ör an audience is free of charge. The paid fees will not be refunded for any reason.

Account Number of the Bank:

Surdurulebilir Yasam Egitimi Dernegi



IBAN: TR66 0001 2009 2590 0058 0003 26 (Euro)

Important note: Please write "donation" in the description section.